Minds for community expresses its deep sorrow at the massive loss of life that befell the people of Beirut following the horrific bombings

Minds for community expresses its deep sorrow at the massive loss of life that befell the people of Beirut following the horrific bombings

Minds for community expresses its deep sorrow at the massive loss of life that befell the people of Beirut following the horrific bombings in the city’s port.

Reports indicate that the number of victims has reached more than 100 people, the number of the injured has reached 5,000, and more than 300 thousand people have been displaced from their homes. The children of the city exposed him to shock and panic.
Our hearts and minds are with the affected children and families, and all solidarity and sympathy for those who lost their loved ones with our wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured.

The damage has affected our offices in Beirut Central District, and fortunately our employees were not in their usual working hours. We will rise again in cooperation with all partners on the ground to resume our work by providing all psychological services within the “psychological and social support programs” that people need after this great trauma, as well as participating in re Cleaning the city from the effects of the bombing is through a team of young volunteers. We will also provide, in cooperation with charitable organizations and institutions concerned with providing logistical supplies as part of the “psychological emergency plan,” especially that Lebanon is already suffering from a worsening economic crisis that coincided with the outbreak of the Corona crisis.

With prior thanks to all our supporters, we will always raise our slogan, and despite the pain, “we will continue to cultivate hope.”

From the MINDS FOR COMMUNITY team all love and hope for a better tomorrow.

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