A victim every hour. Nearly 600 civilians, including children, killed or injured in January in Yemen

A victim every hour. Nearly 600 civilians, including children, killed or injured in January in Yemen

At least one civilian was killed or injured every hour in Yemen in January, the highest number of casualties in a month since 2018, according to a save the children report.

About 600 people, including children, were killed and injured, including more than 200 adults and 15 children, and 354 adults and 30 children, or 599 civilian victims in total, were injured between January 6 and February 2, the report said Friday.

The Report of the British-based organization added that there were concerns that the number would be higher.

According to the report, the number of civilian casualties in January is nearly three times the estimated monthly average of 209 in 2021.

In October, the UN Human Rights Council voted to end the mandate of the group of experts investigating war crimes in Yemen, and since that decision the number of dead and wounded has increased dramatically, the report said.

The United Nations said Thursday that 234 civilians were killed in Yemen in January, the highest number in three years.

“In January, 234 civilians were killed and 431 injured, the highest monthly toll in three years,” said a report by the Un Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen.

“In 2021, 769 civilians were killed and 1,739 injured, an average of 7 victims per day,” the report said.

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