Lebanon: increase in violence against children UNICEF calls for the protection of children and the safeguarding of their rights

Lebanon: increase in violence against children UNICEF calls for the protection of children and the safeguarding of their rights

“The recent information circulating on several media outlets of grave sexual and physical violence against children is another indicator that violence against children is increasing in Lebanon.”

“Nothing justifies violence against children. All acts of abuse and violence against children are unacceptable.

“UNICEF appeals to families, communities, community leaders and the local authorities to provide safety and well-being for children and young people and calls upon everyone to break the silence around child abuse and uphold children’s right to protection so that every child can live in a safe environment free from violence.

“UNICEF also calls to protect the privacy of children survivors of violence. The distribution of information related to these children including names, pictures and videos with violent content should not take place. Such information can further stigmatise children and families.

“UNICEF will continue to empower children, strengthen families and mobilise communities to ensure all children, adolescents and women, especially the most vulnerable, are protected from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect, in accordance with national legal and policy framework and international standards”.


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