UNICEF: Once again, Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for children

UNICEF: Once again, Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for children

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said that the Gaza Strip has once again, after the resumption of hostilities, has become the most dangerous place for children in the world. She warned of the risk of killing and injuring hundreds of children every day if the violence returned to the scale it was before the humanitarian truce.

UNICEF spokesman James Elder, who is in Gaza, spoke with UN news about the scene as fighting resumed. Refering to the injuries suffered by children due to the ongoing war from burns and serious wounds, he said that about 1,000 children were amputated in the limbs – during the last period – while more than 5,000 were reportedly killed.

He added that “inaction and allowing attacks to resume, means allowing more children to be killed. Elder spoke about the heroic efforts of colleagues working with UN agencies in the Gaza Strip. Continuing anger, polarisation, destruction of Gaza and the killing of children cannot in any way bring safety to children in Palestine and Israel,” he said.

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