?What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

?What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Hyperactivity disorder is a psychological disorder of the type of delayed neurological development that begins in childhood in humans. It causes a pattern of behavior that makes the child unable to follow orders or control his actions, or he finds it extremely difficult to pay attention to the rules and is thus in a state of distraction. Always with the little things. People with this condition have difficulty integrating into school classes and learning from their teachers, and do not adhere to class rules, which leads to a deterioration in school performance in these children due to their inability to concentrate and not because they are not intelligent, so the majority of people believe that they are naturally naughty.

This type is the most common psychological type in the world. The number of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is about 5% of the world’s population, and the percentage is higher in developed countries (first world countries). These statistics have made some researchers believe that the structure and atmosphere of developed countries may be a cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among their people. Thus, the interaction of people in their civilization may be a cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depending on the type of civilization and the individual’s reaction to it.

Dealing with children with hyperactivity and attention deficit constitutes a major challenge for their parents, their teachers at school, and even for the pediatrician and sometimes for the child himself. This condition is not considered a learning difficulty, but rather a behavioral problem for the child. These children are usually hyperactive and impulsive and cannot focus on anything for more than In just minutes, three to five percent of school students are affected by this condition, and males are more affected than females. The presence of a child with this condition sometimes poses a real problem for parents, and even the affected child is sometimes aware of his problem but cannot control his behavior. Parents must know this and give the child More love, tenderness and support. Parents should also cooperate with the pediatrician and teachers in order to deal with the child.

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