The Minister of Public Health visits the Karantina warehouse and public hospital with a delegation from the Republic of Korea and UNICEF

The Minister of Public Health visits the Karantina warehouse and public hospital with a delegation from the Republic of Korea and UNICEF

Following the announcement of new contribution from the Republic of Korea to ensure new-borns’ lifesaving care across selected governmental hospitals and the availability of essential paediatric acute medications in primary healthcare centres, the minister of public health held a joint field visit to the Karantina warehouse and hospital with Korean Ambassador to Lebanon and UNICEF Representative.

The new funding will ensure the access of vulnerable populations to essential medications at primary healthcare centres and intensive lifesaving care services in public hospitals to avoid any supply rupture and allow timely access to acute treatments for children and mothers.

The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Firas Abyad, indicated that “this donation will contribute to supporting the most vulnerable”. He pointed out that “this is not the first time that the Republic of Korea and UNICEF have stood by Lebanon. through cooperation with partners, the Ministry of Public Health, in light of the difficult economic and political circumstances in Lebanon and the fact that Lebanon is hosting large numbers of displaced people, is trying to fulfil its duties towards everyone by providing health services and medicine in Primary health care centres”.

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Lebanon, Mr. Il Park said: “Korea recognizes the importance of providing essential healthcare services to the most vulnerable members of society, particularly children and newborns. We firmly believe that every child deserves the right to receive proper medical attention and care, regardless of their circumstances.”

The procured acute medications include antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories allow to fill the gap in the acute medication supply induced by high demand for care from the most vulnerable children in Lebanon. Supporting vulnerable families to cover the out of pocket payment for their infants and children intensive care services helps eliminate the financial barrier to accessing lifesaving care.

Edouard Beigbeder, UNICEF Representative in Lebanon, emphasized the organization’s dedication to bridging vital healthcare access disparities and maintaining life-saving assistance for mothers and children in Lebanon. “Thanks to the ongoing generous support from the Republic of Korea, we can broaden our initiatives to encompass more vulnerable areas and additional hospitals, with a particular focus on enhancing support in Baalbek and Akkar.”

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