The problem of introversion in children…the most important reasons

The problem of introversion in children…the most important reasons

Introversion is considered a real, complex and intertwined problem that some children face at different periods of their lives and in a gradual manner that begins at the age of two years and increases during adolescence as a result of excessive contact with society, but parents must not neglect it at all because it is a problem that can be exaggerated and it is possible to continue with its owner for the rest. Of his age, the rate of introversion among females is higher than that of males as a result of the difference in the psychological nature of each of them and the sensitivity and psychological sensitivity of women.

Introversion appears in children in the form of aversion to colleagues or relatives and avoidance of engaging in any joint conversations with them. These actions cause a disruption in the child’s social interaction with those around him, which also affects his general behavior and mental development. This behavior disorder varies from one child to another.

The reasons of introversion in children

  • The child feels inferior due to a disability in his body or a chronic disease such as vitiligo or other diseases that change his appearance, or a defect in speech or speech that prevents him from communicating with those around him, or hearing some bad words that he hears from his parents, relatives, or His teammates are such an eyesore.

  • A child’s early loss of love due to the separation of his parents or the loss of one of them due to death.
  • Imposing strict control on the child makes him feel helpless and weak when he is independent, or when the parents make decisions related to him without taking his opinion or consulting him, which makes him feel that he has no value or opinion in the society in which he lives. This makes him lose his self-confidence and also makes him lose his sense of security, which pushes him into isolation and isolation.
  • It is also possible that a child’s introversion is merely an imitation of one of his parents, and his parents’ support for him complicates this problem and makes it difficult to solve.
  • Parents’ severe punishment of their children for their mistakes causes them to avoid social interaction with those around them to avoid being punished.
  • Separation between children within the family leads to them feeling lonely and that they have no place in this family. All of this causes them to become a type of introversion and isolation.
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