Depression in children.. the Signs

Depression in children.. the Signs

Many children suffer from many psychological conditions, and their extreme sadness may sometimes be an indicator of depression.

Family members may notice some of the following signs in a child if he or she is depressed:

Sadness and bad mood: The child may appear sad or frowning, and the condition may last for weeks or months. The child may also have frequent bouts of crying or anger.

Loss of effort or energy: Depression can drain a child’s energy, making him unable to put in the usual effort in studying or even playing. He feels that doing small tasks requires a lot of effort, and children may appear tired, give up easily, or lack passion.

Loss of enjoyment of things: Children with depression do not have the same amount of fun with friends or enjoy playing as before, and they may also not feel a desire to do the activities that they used to enjoy.

Loss of self-confidence: Depression can affect a child’s self-confidence, and the child may begin to criticize himself and say phrases, such as “I can’t do anything right” or “I don’t have any friends.”

Eating and sleeping disorders: Children may not sleep well or appear tired even if they get enough sleep. Some also do not feel like eating, and others may overeat.

Feeling aches and pains: Some children with depression experience stomach aches or muscle aches.

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