Press release: 9,000 women have been martyred in Gaza so far since the beginning of October

Press release: 9,000 women have been martyred in Gaza so far since the beginning of October

As the war on Gaza approaches its fifth month, Gazan women continue to suffer from the disastrous effects of the war. While this war spares no one, UN Women data shows that the war has killed and injured women in unprecedented ways. In light of the United Nations warning of the imminent threat of famine, here are seven facts that explain why the war on Gaza is also a war on women:

  • Reports indicate that an estimated 9,000 women have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza so far. This number is likely lower than the actual figure, as many women are reported to have died and remain under the rubble.
  • For each day that the war in Gaza continues at its current rate, an average of 63 women will be killed every day.
  • Approximately 37 mothers are killed on a daily basis, leaving behind families devastated and children without protection.
  • More than 4 in 5 women (84 percent) reported that their families eat half or less of the amount of food they used to eat before the war began, and that mothers and adult women are tasked with finding food sources, yet they are the last to eat and the least to eat compared to others .
  • About 4 in 5 women (84 percent) in Gaza reported that at least one of their family members had missed meals during the past week. In 95 percent of cases, mothers are the ones who do not eat, skipping at least one meal to feed their children.
  • All of Gaza’s 2.3 million people will face severe levels of food insecurity within weeks – the highest level ever recorded5 while Gaza is on the brink of famine.
  • About 9 in 10 women (87 percent) find it more difficult to access food than men6. Some women are now resorting to arduous coping mechanisms, such as searching for food under rubble or in rubbish bins.
  • 10 out of 12 women’s organizations surveyed in Gaza reported being partially operational, providing basic emergency response7. Despite the extraordinary efforts of these organizations, less than 1 percent of the funding raised through the 2023 Flash Appeal has been directed to national or local women’s rights organizations. Directing funding to these organizations is critical to meeting the enormous needs of women, their families and communities, and to ensure that the voices of women in Gaza are not overlooked.
  • Unless there is an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, more people will die in Gaza in the coming days and weeks. The killing, bombing and destruction of basic infrastructure must stop. Humanitarian aid must enter Gaza and all parts of it immediately.
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