A high-ranking UN official confirms that Israel is the one obstructing the delivery of aid to children in Gaza

A high-ranking UN official confirms that Israel is the one obstructing the delivery of aid to children in Gaza

United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said that Israel is the reason why aid does not reach children in need in Gaza, and stressed the need for the Israeli authorities to remove all obstacles to aid, and the need for a ceasefire.

The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs said in a post on his Twitter account that there is a lot of “controversy and finger-pointing” about the challenges facing the delivery of aid to those in need in Gaza, and this matter must be resolved once and for all.

And he said:

“Restrictions on the distribution of aid within Gaza are being placed by those preventing the movement of convoys aimed at feeding tens of thousands of people suffering from extreme hunger.

They are being put in place by those who refuse to open crossing points leading directly to the north, where hundreds of thousands of people are at imminent risk of starvation.

They are placed by those who prevent life-saving supplies from entering hospitals and water purification.

“It is being put in place by those who continue to bomb Gaza.”

Martin Griffiths stressed the need for Israel to lift all obstacles to aid and for a ceasefire now.

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