Guterres: Two million people in Gaza are desperately searching for protection from hunger, disease and the continuing Israeli bombing

Guterres: Two million people in Gaza are desperately searching for protection from hunger, disease and the continuing Israeli bombing

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the devastating Israeli air strikes that killed employees of the World Central Kitchen organization are unconscionable, but an inevitable consequence of the way the war is being conducted.

In his speech before an informal meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held on Tuesday to discuss his report on human security, Guterres stated that what happened “demonstrates once again the urgent need for an immediate ceasefire on humanitarian grounds, and to expand the scope of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as the Security Council called for in “The decision he made last week.”

“The decision must be implemented without delay,” the Secretary-General added.

He also reported that the killing of relief workers at the World Central Kitchen raised the number of aid workers killed in the conflict in Gaza to 196, including more than 175 United Nations employees.

Guterres said that when he hears the phrase “human security,” he thinks of two million people in Gaza who do not enjoy security at all, and are desperately searching for protection from hunger, disease, and continuous Israeli bombing.


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