Members of the Security Council express concern about the impending famine in Gaza and call for the removal of obstacles to relief delivery

Members of the Security Council express concern about the impending famine in Gaza and call for the removal of obstacles to relief delivery

Members of the UN Security Council expressed grave concern over the Israeli air strikes that killed 7 members of the World Central Kitchen team in Gaza. They said that “these horrific attacks” brought the number of aid workers killed in Gaza during the ongoing conflict to at least 224.

In a press statement, members of the UN Security Council indicated that this number is more than three times greater than the number of humanitarian relief workers killed in any other conflict in the world during an entire year. They stressed the need to ensure accountability for all such incidents.

The members noted that “Israel” announced the preliminary results of the investigation into the incident of April 1, 2024. They stressed the necessity of conducting a full, transparent and comprehensive investigation into the incident, and publishing it fully publicly. They offered their sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of all those who have lost their lives since the start of hostilities on 7 October 2023.

The members of the Security Council also called for all parties to the conflict to fully respect the “protected status” afforded to relief workers, facilities and humanitarian operations under international law, adhere to humanitarian notification and coordination mechanisms related to the conflict, and immediately address any deficiencies in these mechanisms.

Brave life-saving efforts

Council members recognized the outstanding and commendable efforts made by all humanitarian and medical workers and United Nations staff working in Gaza. The members acknowledged the extremely difficult and dangerous conditions in which they were working, as well as their enormous courage in pursuing their life-saving mission.

The members of the UN Security Council reiterated their deep concern about the human toll resulting from the conflict, the catastrophic humanitarian situation, and the threat of imminent famine in Gaza. They called for the immediate removal of all obstacles preventing the widespread delivery of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population, and for the unhindered distribution of this assistance.


The members of the Security Council called for full respect for international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law. They affirmed their demands for an immediate ceasefire respected by all parties leading to a sustained and sustainable ceasefire, as well as ensuring the access of humanitarian aid to meet the hostages’ medical and other humanitarian needs and that the parties comply with their obligations under international law with respect to all persons they detain, in line with the resolution Security Council No. 2728.

The members of the Security Council also affirmed their full support for the work of the Chief Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator in Gaza, and their support for the life-saving efforts of all United Nations staff and agencies, including UNRWA. The members of the Security Council condemned all acts of violence and hostilities .against civilians

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