Children of Gaza: multifaceted suffering as a result of the Israeli aggression

Children of Gaza: multifaceted suffering as a result of the Israeli aggression

With the bloody Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, the suffering of children in the Gaza Strip is multifaceted, after “Israel” turned them into a bank of legitimate and permissible goals.

The number of children under the age of 18 is about 1.06 million, with children constituting 47% of the total population of the Gaza Strip, according to data issued by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

According to the statement; More than 10 children on average have lost one or both of their legs every day in Gaza since the beginning of the Israeli military aggression, according to Save the Children, as a result of the lack of equipment, medical supplies and medicines in light of the huge numbers of victims. In addition to the power outage and the depletion of fuel to operate the only power station in Gaza, which exposed many newborns in incubators to death, dialysis services also stopped, and the survival rate became small.

The ongoing Israeli attacks on health institutions and putting dozens of hospitals and health institutions out of work have greatly affected and exacerbated the suffering of children with kidney failure who are in constant and urgent need of dialysis.

The suffering of displacement is another facet of the suffering of children. Of the approximately 1.9 million displaced people in the Gaza Strip, more than half of them are children, as more than 600,000 children and their families have been displaced, many of them more than once, to Rafah Governorate, according to the latest statement by the Executive Director of the United Nations. Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The organization estimates that at least 17,000 children have become separated from their families.

More than 80% of young children suffer from acute food poverty, and information shows that the rate of wasting of children has increased significantly compared to conditions before the current crisis, affecting thousands of children, and wasting is one of the most common symptoms of malnutrition that threatens children’s lives, according to the statement.

In the face of the difficult conditions that the Gaza Strip is experiencing, and due to the state of displacement and the loss of many families of their breadwinners, many children were forced to work by selling in stalls or collecting firewood and transporting water to secure the minimum requirements for living for themselves and perhaps for their families who are now without a breadwinner.

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