About children in Gaza…a shocking report that reveals horrific facts in numbers

About children in Gaza…a shocking report that reveals horrific facts in numbers

The government media office in the Gaza Strip published a statistical report documenting horrific and shocking facts about the reality of children in the Strip since the beginning of the bloody Israeli war and genocide on the seventh of last October.

The government media office stated in its report that 15,694 children were killed by the occupation, and about 34,000 children were injured, while there are still 3,600 children missing under the rubble, and about 1,500 children lost their limbs or eyes or suffered a permanent disability due to the injury.

He pointed out that there are at least 200 children imprisoned by the occupation, and the war has turned 17,000 children into orphans, 3% of whom lost both parents.

The media office confirmed that more than 700,000 children were forcibly displaced from their places of residence, and that about 650,000 children lost their homes after they were destroyed by the occupation, and the aggression forced 625,000 children to leave school and miss the academic year.

He stated that 98% of children in Gaza do not have access to safe drinking water, and depend on less than 3 liters of water per day, and there are 3,500 children suffering from chronic diseases who are at risk of death due to malnutrition and the lack of necessary medical care.

He added that 60,000 fetuses in their mothers’ wombs are at risk of miscarriage, death, or birth defects due to the effects of bombs and explosives, and that about 40,000 infants did not receive the necessary immunizations and vaccinations on a regular basis, and symptoms of malnutrition appeared on 82,000 children, 35% of whom suffered severe symptoms, and 33 lost their lives. Two children lost their lives due to famine and malnutrition.

He warned that about 450,000 children are vulnerable to chest cancer and respiratory diseases, due to reliance on burning rubble waste to prepare food, and that all children in Gaza are vulnerable to epidemics and infectious diseases, due to the lack of personal hygiene and overcrowding in areas of displacement and shelter.

He stressed that all children in Gaza suffer from psychological trauma and behavioral problems. Such as fear, anxiety, and depression due to aggression.

Source: Government Media


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