The psychological effects of child labor…

The psychological effects of child labor…

The social aspect of working children is negatively affected by work. Instead of spending their childhood playing with other children, having fun with their family members, and interacting with others in a healthy and correct way, they spend a lot of time at work, which leads to a weakening of their ability to socialize with family and society. In addition to a significant weakness in building their personalities and a decrease in their self-confidence, some working children may face psychological problems represented by depression. Children and adolescents who work more than 20 hours a week are at risk of acquiring bad and unhealthy habits, such as drug addiction, in addition to the growth of aggressive behavior in their personalities.

The psychological effects on working children are reflected in several other aspects, which include their exposure to bullying, harassment, and rejection by their colleagues and relatives, in addition to their failure to receive fair treatment, which leads to the development of their social isolation, the weakness of their emotional bonds, and the possibility of engaging in dangerous behaviors such as crimes in some cases. It is worth noting that working children are exposed to financial exploitation without any job security.


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