Children of Lebanon…the bank of Israeli goals!!

Children of Lebanon…the bank of Israeli goals!!

Day after day, the suffering of Lebanese children increases as a result of the Israeli raids that directly target them and led to the death of a large number of them.

Here are the details of the martyred children of Lebanon…

Martyr sisters

Rimas Mahmoud Shor, 14 years old

Talin Mahmoud Shor, 12 years old

Layan Mahmoud Shor, 10 years old

They were killed as a result of a raid that targeted the car they were transporting with their grandmother in Ainata, southern Lebanon.

The martyr girl

Amal Hussein Al-Durr, 5 years old

She died with her mother following an Israeli raid that targeted the town of Majdal Zoun in southern Lebanon.

Brothers martyrs

The child Hussein Mohsen, 13 years old

The child, Amir Mohsen, is 6 months old

They died with their stepmother following an Israeli raid that targeted the town of Al-Sawwaneh in southern Lebanon.

The martyr child

Mahmoud Ali Amer

He died with six members of his family, including his mother, following an Israeli raid that targeted the town of Nabatieh, south of Lebanon.

Brothers martyrs

Hassan Muhammad Fadlallah, 10 years old

Amira Muhammad Fadlallah, 7 years old

They rose as a result of an Israeli raid targeting the southern suburbs of Beirut.

The martyr girl

Sarah Qashqash

She was martyred with her aunt as a result of an Israeli raid targeting the town of Hanin

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