Passion for going back to school.. How does your child prepare for school?

Passion for going back to school.. How does your child prepare for school?

 Children may feel bored, upset, and unwilling to return to school after summer vacation, and this is reflected in their unwillingness to study or escape from doing schoolwork.

Here comes the primary role of parents in helping children return to school. It is important to motivate and encourage children to regain their enthusiasm and passion for school and study so that they continue their learning journey positively and with passion.

 Educational counselor Natalia Al-Fitroni provides some basic instructions that parents must focus on to help their children return to school at the present time:

First: Holding open discussions with them about returning and asking them questions, because children may not speak on their own unless their parents encourage them to do so, knowing that these conversations must start from today and under any circumstances and must not be held at the last minute.

 It also advises parents to invite a close friend at school or go out with him, because that reassures the child, while he feels that there are close friends who will be with him at school and he can talk to them and play with them. This helps at least to enter the school atmosphere and social relationships. And normal communication after a long period of isolation.

Al-Fitrony points to a study that confirms that at least one meal with parents a day contributes to reducing the risk of children developing behavioral disorders and behavioral deviance. Hence the importance of emphasizing these matters in returning to normal life and conducting activities together.

[30/‏8 7:00 م] .: Second: The primary role of fathers and mothers towards their children with regard to their education is to encourage, motivate and guide them only, with the possibility of providing some assistance if necessary. They should not be monitored at every moment and their grades monitored with tension and anxiety, nor should they sit next to them while they are studying, doing their homework, or pursuing them. With orders at times, and with reprimands and blame at other times, all of this will not lead to a positive result at all, but rather will lead to entering into a vicious circle of problems and psychological damage that everyone does not need.

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