Why doesn’t my child want to go to school?

Why doesn’t my child want to go to school?

 Why doesn’t my child want to go to school?

The child does not want to go to school, finds reasons to stay at home, and the parents wonder – where does this reluctance come from? Sometimes the cause is fatigue, lack of sleep, and malaise. This factor can be very simple to explain and talking to the student, perhaps their teachers, will help solve the problem. Younger children sometimes come close to themselves and cannot or do not want to describe or explain their dislike. There may be many sources why a child does not want to go to school, most of which are serious and explain the student’s situation well.

 Among the reasons why a child does not want to go to school, we can distinguish:

Longing for parents (in young children);

Problems in establishing relationships with peers (regardless of age);

Separation from the peer group due to a difference in appearance for example;


Hatred of the teacher

Fear of punishment for bad behavior;

striving to be the best, which may be disappointing;

Difficulty concentrating, excessive mobility;

Vision/hearing problem

Lack of understanding of materials and topics, accumulation of learning, and failure of the test.

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