Mental illness threatens your child in the fall – here are its symptoms

 Mental illness threatens your child in the fall – here are its symptoms

 Mental illness threatens your child in the fall – here are its symptoms:

Some children experience mood swings in the fall, which may last until winter, which mental health doctors know as “seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

What is seasonal affective disorder?

It is a type of depression that usually occurs during the fall and winter, but a small number of people may suffer from it in the spring and summer, according to the Very Well Mind website.

 Is seasonal affective disorder considered a mental illness?

Seasonal affective disorder is listed in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a type of depression.

Causes of seasonal affective disorder in children

Mental health experts believe that seasonal affective disorder is caused by a rise in melatonin in the body on days when there is less sunlight than usual.

Furthermore, children may develop seasonal affective disorder due to the following factors:

– Having a family history of seasonal affective disorder.

– Living in areas where days are short.

– Suffering from social anxiety disorder.

– Seasonal allergies

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