What is the effect of parental separation or divorce on children?

What is the effect of parental separation or divorce on children?

When the parents decide to separate, because of  a cooling the emotions between them. The child is greatly shocked, as if the world has turned upside down. There are several factors that affect the degree of shock to which the child is exposed:

the age of the child, the method of separation, the extent of the child’s understanding and understanding of the issue of separation, and the .support he receives from friends and family

How are children affected by this?

The child may feel:

The feeling of loss. Being separated from one’s family does not mean losing one’s home, but rather losing one’s entire life.

Feeling inconsistent with a family they are forced to live with.

He is worried about living alone after the absence of one parent, as he may lose the other.

Feeling hatred and anger towards one of the parents who he believes was the reason for the separation.

Feeling insecure, monopolized, and ostracized.

Feeling torn between parents.

Most children need a long time to return to their normal state, even if the parents return to living together a life characterized by violence, and the children remain under the influence of their parents’ separation.


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