Human Rights Commissioner: Simultaneous pager explosions targeting civilians in Lebanon shocking, independent investigation required

Human Rights Commissioner: Simultaneous pager explosions targeting civilians in Lebanon shocking, independent investigation required

 The widespread and simultaneous explosions in Lebanon and Syria yesterday, caused by pagers, are extremely shocking and their impact on civilians is unacceptable, said Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The explosions reportedly killed at least 12 people, including two children, and seriously injured thousands more. “The fear and terror these attacks have spread is appalling,” Türk said in a press statement.

 “In these extremely turbulent times,” the UN official appealed to all influential countries in the region and beyond to take immediate action to prevent the conflict from escalating further. “The region has seen enough daily horrors and suffering. It is time for leaders to stand up for the rights of all people to live in peace and security,” he said.

 .Türk stressed that the protection of civilians must remain the top priority, and said that putting an end to the escalation was more important today than ever before. The simultaneous targeting of thousands of individuals, including civilians, women and children, without knowing who was in possession of the targeted devices, their location and surroundings at the time of the attack, violates international human rights law and international humanitarian law. He stressed the need to open an independent, comprehensive and transparent investigation into the circumstances of these mass bombings, and to hold accountable those who ordered and carried out such an attack.

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