Most of our programs aim to protect women and children through a range of actions and frameworks that prevent child abuse, exploitation and neglect, as well as violence that affects the child’s psyche, as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, all human rights conventions and laws The national in force therefore, the work of the Mindsforcommunity Association to include the child, mother and family in several awareness programs, most notably:

  • Bullying programs:

A phenomenon that has recently worsened, especially in schools among children, and is a form of verbal or physical abuse and abuse among pupils or at home with parents, so it was necessary to have an awareness training programme implemented through training modules for children in schools Scout associations and clubs, as well as a programme for parents, through workshops in cooperation with local municipalities and community associations to reduce this phenomenon and raise awareness of its forms, risks and consequences.

These programmes are implemented in two parts, dedicated to parents and children, through training modules for children within schools and also to parents through municipalities and community associations or in coordination with parents ‘ committees and educational counseling in schools.

  • Positive education programs:

Positive education is an educational curriculum that has become more popular in recent years, and this new concept means the whole of methods that work to develop the skills and behaviours of the child, in a constructive way, by providing a safe and secure structure that allows him to grow up on Right pillars, the upbringing of children is a good upbringing. The greatest concern for parents is therefore positive education as an alternative to traditional education built on repressive and compulsory methods that abolish the personality of the child, and transform it into a breeding of the child the value of self-discipline that makes him act only Without being a watcher, his behavior is a personal conviction rather than external pressures.

These programmes are implemented in two parts, dedicated to parents and children, through training modules for children within schools and also to parents through municipalities and community associations or in coordination with parents ‘ committees and educational counseling in schools.

  • Sexual harassment programs:

 “Sexual harassment” is a concept that has been circulating on the tooth over the past period, and although harassment is not a modern phenomenon on the human community, with the development and progress of the world and the increasing observation of such behaviour in public circles, it is imperative to condemn and prevent such acts, To educate the group that is more and more vulnerable, especially children, and because the first concern of the parents is to protect their children, especially since they cannot be with them all day, it is our duty to educate parents and their children on how to combat sexual harassment and its forms in a systematic and deliberate manner.

These programmes are implemented in two parts, dedicated to parents and children, through training modules for children within schools and also to parents through municipalities and community associations or in coordination with parents ‘ committees and educational counseling in schools.

  • Internet and gaming Risk awareness programs:

The technological development that our contemporary world is witnessing is different devices and games that are accessible to all, especially children and teenagers, such as the ipad, iphone, computer and laser games, as well as recent games « Mariam» and “Bab J”, as a result of the dangers caused by these games to children because of the addiction that can sometimes lead to suicide and death therefore, it was necessary to develop an awareness-raising curriculum for children and parents to learn about the dangers of these games and to put forward the foundations and alternative solutions that can be followed to reduce the phenomenon of the world Random default.

These programmes are implemented in two parts, dedicated to parents and children, through training modules for children within schools and also to parents through municipalities and community associations or in coordination with parents ‘ committees and educational counseling in schools.