A project that empowers female chefs in northern Lebanon

A project that empowers female chefs in northern Lebanon

UNICEF’s skilling and employability package provides training, employment support services and employment opportunities to thousands of youths in Lebanon through a series of specialized projects. As part of a programme funded by Germany through the German Development Bank KfW and the government of Norway, a team of ten young women – all of whom were unemployed, and some of whom had never worked before – learned professional cooking skills and later worked in a neighborhood restaurant in Tripoli.

As Lebanon continues to struggle under the weight of its continuing economic crisis, the hardest hit are its most vulnerable residents – including the nation’s youth.

Skilling and employability resulting in Cash for Work and employment programmes can address basic needs and prevent negative coping mechanisms among vulnerable communities. They are intended to secure the livelihoods of the acutely affected target groups in the short term.

Targeting the creation of more jobs for women in this male-dominated sector in Lebanon, the restaurant agreed to take on a group of ten female interns.

The restaurant is hiring four of the young trainees in full-time positions, and Baytna Express Head Chef Rabih will provide referrals and recommendations for the remaining course graduates to other restaurants in northern Lebanon.

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