What is autism?

What is autism?

what is autism?

Autism: It is an important neurodevelopmental disorder in which symptoms appear in early childhood. While symptoms related to autism begin in the early stages of development in some children, some children suffer from regression or disturbances in normal development. Suspicion of autism arises when a child’s speech is delayed or is irrelevant and unresponsive.

The family comes to the doctor because the child does not speak even if his classmates speak, or because he could say single words such as “mother and father” before, but forgot these words in recent months.

What are the symptoms of autism?

There are two main groups of symptoms of autism spectrum disorder:

1 Weakness in social interaction and communication skills.

– Not caring about people or their peers or showing a lack of interest.

– To always be in his own world, not to look at you when you call him, to walk on his toes.

-Delay in starting or stopping talking, holding back in speaking, not using words in social interaction even if he is speaking, repeating what is said, using pronouns the other way around (instead of I, he uses he).

2-Limited attention, repetitive behavior and activities

– Stereotyped and repetitive movements (rotation, swaying around and around, wing movement).

– Strict adherence to their routine, and extreme reaction against changes.

– Excessive sensitivity to some sounds, smells and flavours.

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