Psychological support for children after the earthquake tragedy

Psychological support for children after the earthquake tragedy

The earthquake is a devastating natural event that can severely affect children. The earthquake can cause serious injury, loss of shelter, and loss of life. In addition to the physical damage, children can suffer psychological effects from the incident. They may feel afraid, anxious and confused due to loud noises and violent earthquakes. It is important to provide care and psychological support to children affected by this natural disaster, whether through schools or health institutions. A safe and comfortable environment must be provided to relieve stress and promote children’s psychological and physical recovery

Psychological problems after earthquake shock:

When a child is exposed to an earthquake, he faces many psychological problems that affect his mental and emotional health. The child may feel fear and panic as a result of the difficult experiences he went through during the earthquake. He may suffer from anxiety, stress, and emotional instability, especially if he witnesses great destruction and loss. He may also suffer from depression and sadness, which result from losing his home or losing loved ones. In addition, he may suffer from sleep disturbances and difficulty concentrating in daily activities. Therefore, it is important to provide appropriate psychological care to the child after the earthquake, including emotional support, listening to his experiences and talking to him in a reassuring way.

The importance of psychological support for children after earthquake shock:

After the earthquake tragedy, children suffer from severe shock and psychological stress. Therefore, psychological support becomes an urgent necessity to help deal with the contradictory feelings and emotions they suffer from. Psychological support can be provided through individual or group conversation sessions with mental health professionals. There are also educational and entertainment programs targeting affected children, giving them the opportunity to express their feelings and relieve psychological stress. In addition, parents and teachers must be sensitive to children’s needs and provide a supportive and nurturing environment for them to overcome the effects of the earthquake.

Psychological support in the case of the earthquake that occurred in Syria and Turkey includes a set of procedures and activities, such as providing psychological counseling and guidance, providing assistance in dealing with psychological and emotional pressures, and developing coping mechanisms and dealing positively with the accident.

Psychological support may also include participation of affected people in active talking and listening sessions, as it gives people the opportunity to express their feelings, thoughts and concerns related to the earthquake and its repercussions. Affected people can also be directed to additional sources of support, such as local communities, social services and health centres.

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