What is motherhood?

What is motherhood?

Motherhood is one of the strongest characteristics that have characterized women since their existence and the highest function that God Almighty has bestowed upon them. It is one of the greatest instincts of a healthy woman that bestows upon her the finest and purest human emotions. From a young age, especially during early childhood (3-6 years), girls tend to use their dolls as a refuge to express what they did not know about their psychological and biological make-up. Most of them take care of their dolls, embrace them, and are proficient in protecting and nurturing them and expressing their love for them. As the girl grows up, her maternal instinct grows with her, manifesting itself in her constant desire to have a child that she can take care of and give her life to.

According to specialists, the maternal instinct is stronger in women than the sexual instinct. A girl may marry out of a desire to become a mother despite her prior knowledge of the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth. Or she may suffer from infertility or diseases that prevent her from becoming pregnant, and she feels that she has been deprived of the most important characteristic of her existence as a woman. No matter how many methods and attempts there are to fill the huge void that you feel, you will ultimately be unable to do so. Here you may resort to caring for an orphan child or one of the family’s children, as a psychological trick called sublimating the maternal instinct or what is known as maternal love, which is a psychological state that is less profound than instinct.

Motherhood is an individual experience that does not only represent a passing biological stage, but is a psychological entity in which many individual experiences, memories, desires and fears precede the actual experience by many years. However, the manifestations and manifestations of the experience of motherhood among women may differ depending on the cultural, social and psychological factors that influence the formation of the structure of the female soul. Therefore, we may witness its exposure to a setback and the failure of some to provide it with mechanisms to activate and strengthen it, despite it being an innate characteristic and instinct, according to most specialists. The duties of motherhood may be neglected due to a lack of awareness and self-esteem, or a woman’s belittlement of the feelings that accompany the spirit of motherhood as a result of experiences and situations that negatively affected her understanding and comprehension, but this is motherhood.

Motherhood remains that language that is constructed between both parties (mother/woman and child) and that allows them (women) to understand and say what they live until they find or try to find the ability to give or allow birth. Motherhood, then, is the opportunity and possibility to represent and re-present the act of motherhood.

Mothers and women in general may believe that the standard and quality of motherhood lies in how others view it, and that their success or failure can be measured by their impressions and beliefs about its details. Many women struggle in the hope of gaining the approval of those around them, in the hope that their eyes will be filled with confidence, support, and perhaps encouragement for the ways they raise and deal with their children, and that they are on the right path to embodying their role. We truly forget that motherhood is only a complementary, spiritual relationship between the mother and her child, and there is a balance in building and consolidating this relationship and making it comfortable and harmonious.




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