Children of Gaza…epidemics and diseases threaten their lives!!

Children of Gaza…epidemics and diseases threaten their lives!!

A large number of miserable children and worried parents flock to the dermatology clinic at Nasser Hospital in the central Gaza Strip, where some of them have red and white spots covering the face, neck and chest, or rashes on the back, thighs and abdomen, or ulcers on the wrist and open sores caused by scratches.

At the time, the accurately recorded statistics amounted to the following:

• Doctors are struggling to treat more than 103,000 cases of lice and scabies and 65,000 cases of skin rashes there, according to the World Health Organization.

• More than a million cases of acute respiratory infection have been recorded since the outbreak of war, along with more than half a million cases of acute diarrhea and more than 100,000 cases of jaundice, according to the United Nations Development Programme.

• 485,000 cases of diarrhea were recorded, including more than 113,000 cases in children under the age of five

• Gaza was declared a polio epidemic area, and the presence of the CVPV2 virus that causes polio was discovered in wastewater in the Khan Yunis and Central governorates.

• Nearly 40,000 cases of hepatitis A have been .reported since the beginning of the war

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