Empowering a Generation: delivering training and income opportunities to Lebanon’s youth

Empowering a Generation: delivering training and income opportunities to Lebanon’s youth

Lebanon’s multiple crises continue, and today more than a third of Lebanon’s youth are currently unemployed, with many having never worked at all. As the country struggles to come to terms with the most devastating financial and social period in its history, UNICEF continues to support the most vulnerable, including the nation’s most asset – its youth.

In partnership with Anera and with funding from the governments of Norway, Finland, and Germany through the German Development Bank KfW, UNICEF is empowering youth in Lebanon and providing them with training courses and skills building programmes which allow them to engage in income-generating activities in different sectors, including agriculture.

Agriculture is the third most productive business area in Lebanon and boosting opportunities for youth to become involved in the sector is also helping to maintain traditions and keep the countryside alive.

Yet, the most vital platform of the programme is in its skills-based training and income-generating opportunities and provides youth with multidimensional benefits. Youth are able to contribute to the current crisis by supporting local businesses, their communities and the food security of their families. In addition to developing their skills and professional capacities, it offers them civic engagement opportunities while working as professionals.

Empowering individuals in their communities is an integral part of UNICEF’s Cash 4 Work programme.

As Lebanon continues to face up to what may prove to be long-term economic challenges, UNICEF remains focused on empowering its youth and, through the multi-donor supported Cash 4 Work programme, is working to ensure youth are equipped to contribute to their society in highly valuable ways.

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