Tips for exam night and ways to make an effective study plan

Tips for exam night and ways to make an effective study plan

Exam night tips are a guide for students in the few difficult times that precede the exam. With the pressure, the abundance of books and revisions, the lack of time, and anxiety, the student needs help, organization, and good planning to take advantage of the most important times that help him prepare well for the exam. Here are the most important tips that will help you deal effectively in the times leading up to exams.


1- Identify the sources for your review

On the night of the exam, you may find that you have a lot of papers, books, reviews, and summaries in front of you. You have to start your day by organizing your plan, what books will be reviewed and what papers will be summarized, then you start dividing the studying between a difficult part and then a practical part, whether solving problems or writing a review to test your understanding. . Balance your study schedule on the night of the exam and make it full, but in a smart way, to ensure that you benefit from the time without additional fear or pressure. The key to this is diversification in studying, while setting a specific time for each period

2- Do not stumble for a long time in a difficult part

The night of the exam is the night of consolidating and collecting the information that you have acquired throughout the period of studying and studying, so be careful not to waste your time if you encounter a difficult part or that you have not encountered before, as it will consume your time and you may not be able to sharpen your focus on the remaining subjects.

3- Use your mind and arrange your mind

Reviewing the information in the mind by remaining silent for a while and rearranging the information in the mind in a logical and sequential manner is one of the most important reasons for understanding and assimilating the material as a whole in a short time. This method is done through a comprehensive review with the eye of a large part that you have remembered, then arranging it in your mind in a way that makes it Recall each other, giving you the ability to paint a comprehensive overall picture in the tests.

4- Take care of your diet

The common image of exam night may be that it is a night full of stress and not even time for food, but this may greatly affect your concentration, so be sure to eat quick but useful meals, such as fruit that contains vitamin C, because it fights free radicals that negatively affect it. On the brain, fatty fish and eggs are a good source of choline, which helps create neurotransmitters to aid memory.

5- Make sure to rest between studying

Rest and taking a nap or a rest between studying times are important things that help you focus. When the mind rests a little, it regains its focus better. Therefore, be sure to take time to rest for 30-60 minutes. Sleep a little and you will wake up with a clearer mind to begin a new phase of studying and reviewing.

6- Avoid escape and passive rest

Comforting by using social media or monitoring exam talk from your classmates may increase your distraction and stress. Therefore, one of the most important tips on exam night is to be sure to fully concentrate on organizing your time. Put the clock in front of you, and do not pay attention to distractions and outside talk about the exam. If you want to follow exam news, have one reliable source, such as the subject professor.

7- Try the Pomodoro method

It is one of the effective methods of time management, especially if you have deadlines. It is a method that depends on enhancing your mind’s ability to achieve and produce. It is done by focusing on doing one thing for 25-30 minutes, then taking a short break, and after 4-5 times you can Take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. In order to succeed in the Pomodoro application, you must focus completely for 30 minutes without any distractions.

8- Test your understanding and information first and foremost

When you review a specific section, do not skip it before you are sure that it has been fully understood. Perhaps you have been dominated by the desire to achieve and quickly finish the review, or the illusion that you already know some piece of information, but do not skip a section without making sure that you fully understand it, and re-solve the problems and do not rely on On your theoretical understanding of it, because practical experience proves the extent of your mastery of it and not consideration, which will certainly seem logical and clear, try it yourself.

9- Determine your priorities

Before studying, take care to determine your priorities in studying within the subject, based on the degree of difficulty and ease for you. The parts that need high concentration, put them at the beginning of the study, and with each new study session, put the most difficult parts at the beginning, and pay attention to the notes of the subject teacher, as well as the summaries that help you understand. Comprehensive article.

10- Use your senses while studying

Reading, memorizing out loud, or writing with a pen on paper are among the things that help to fix information in the mind. Using more than one sense helps the mind to absorb it faster, so try saying it out loud or writing what you understood in front of you and with your hands.

11- Motivate yourself to study

An important moral matter for continuing to study or succeed in anything is remembering the end result and the greater goal that you seek through your study, as well as seeing successful models that may also motivate you to continue. Remember the opportunities you will have if you succeed, and the impact this success will have on your life.

12- Move and do an easy sport or enjoy a hobby for a short time

Mental exhaustion on the night of the exam often leads to adverse results in the exam halls, so practice light physical activity such as walking or enjoying watching or listening to something you like, and remember that those who have a running marathon should not run much the day before to store their energy for the exam day.

13- Do not give in to boredom and apathy

You may feel that there are subjects that are difficult or boring and that you are afraid to begin with. Here you must remember the purpose of them, and begin with a plan and steps that will help you continue completing them. Do not get frustrated quickly, but rather focus your energy on trying to achieve, not enjoy. Success requires impatience, persistence, and not paying attention to .constant self-motivation

Exams and the final times before them require a lot of preparation, self-control, calmness, and continuous self-motivation, while not giving in to distractions or negative emotions, in order to pass this period successfully. Working on the tips on exam night that we have mentioned is one of the means to the success of your study plan. If you are looking for a specific study program, you can start choosing the right university for you and your budget using our free course matching tool.

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